Capital E Commerce

While working as the Art Director and Lead Graphic Designer at Capital E-Commerce, a web-based marketing firm specializing in e-commerce, I had the honor to rebrand the company as a whole. Although I was initially hesitant about discussing rebranding with my boss, I mustered up the courage to share my vision for our company and she was fully supportive. Working on Capital E's rebranding has been an exciting opportunity to showcase my creativity while maintaining a professional image for our company. The branding as a whole reflects the company's personality without being overwhelming to potential clients. Feel free to check out our website, which I designed using Squarespace.

Capital E Logo Before:

I felt Capital E couple do well by adding brighter, more RGB-like colors to the branding would help to give it a more modern, digital feel. The old branding had some browns and dark orange colors, which were not presented in the full logo. As Capital E specializes in digital marketing and e-commerce, I wanted our branding to reflect that. That's why I named the blue in our branding color presentation "The 'B' in RGB" to emphasize this point.

Capital E Branding Presentation: Color Palette


Phil & Bill's Creamery


Easy Fast